What good are laws where POWER is king?

Where the indifferent and greedy are running things

Politicians make laws giving courts great power,

Its use for repressions turns justice quite sour.

Lying, cozen, callous police lead juries astray;

Prosecutors, judges permit honor betrayed;

Hapless, downtrodden, foolhardy required to pay.

What good are laws where TRADITION is king?

Where conformity to past determines what future will bring?

And Nemesis codex reveals whats right from wrong?

Judges once prosecutors, appointed for views

Still fighting a war, defendants they screw,

Prosecutors, lawyers, judges all playing games;

Protecting society is what they proclaim,

But all they are doing is working for gain.

What good are laws where PROFIT is king?

Where business laws are woven with golden strings?

The courts serve as auctions where justice is sold:

For the power elite, the structure uphold;

Those with great wealth are part of the fold?

The judge who presides bangs a gavel of gold.

What good are laws where SERVICE is king?

Where political needs are molding things?

Dollars and press assure political success.

Who cares about people they have to oppress?

The media is a tool for assuring the vote;

One color two shades all owners promote;

This alliance with wealth supported by sheep.

The ultimate end is the structure to keep;

A system where justice and public good doth rot upon the political heap.
what parts in this poem deal with how to kill a mockingbird?I am horrible at poetry.

Have you read To Kill a Mockingbird?

Just look at the very first verse.