It depends on what context you are using to define normality. Statistically, it would be behavior that is relatively close to the measures of central tendency (mean, mode and median).
However, if you are talking about mental disorders, persistent subjective discomfort or social non-conformity would be considered abnormal. Therefore, subjective comfort and relative social conformity would be considered normal. On the other hand, persistent and compulsive conformity is not considered normal.
Since conformity is one of the criteria, you need to consider the norm's of the person's culture — cultural relativity. What is normal in one culture might be considered abnormal in another.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
am needing help I have a paper due on compare and contast Normal and abnormal Psychology
My problem is I can not find no information on what is Normal psychology. I have found great information on abnormal psychology with no luck on normal psychology
can some one please explain it or give a site I can read on it I am not sure how I can compare and contast the two when I do not know exactily what Normal psychology is.
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