I see no punctuation errors, but the B on "based" needs to be capitalized since it's the first word in a sentence following a colon.
Also the word "only" needs to be moved closer to what it modifies; it should be between "with" and "one." And the adverb "greatly" is awkwardly placed; it would be somewhat smoother if it were between "no doubt" and "affect."
I'd also delete the word "yet" since the phrase "to date" is in the previous clause.
Am I missing any important punctuation in this sentence:
Scientists and doctors alike have only come up with one sound conclusion to date: based on what they’ve seen yet, the Ram is a creature which will no doubt affect the environment it lives in greatly, and it will not be easily extinct.
I feel like there is a semicolon or a comma missing.
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!
1 answer