Am I eligible to get a President's Award for Educational Excellence or the President's Award for Educational Achievement and Daughters of the American Revolution???

Here are my grades from last year and this year so far and everything else I accomplish:

7th Grade - 93.5 (Q1), 91.83 (Q2), 91.5 (Q3), 94.6 (Q4) FA (FINAL AVERAGE)- 92.5

 Math - 91, 75, 89, 93 FCG - 87

 Content Support - P, P, P, P (P = Passed) FCG - P

 FACS (Family and Consumer Science, 2nd term) - 100, 100 FCG - 100

 Science - 80, 87, 82, 83 FCG - 82

 English - 99, 96, 92, 98 FCG - 96

 Social Studies - 91, 93, 86, 94 FCG - 90

 Fine Art (1st term) - 100, 100 FCG - 100

 Orchestra (A day) - 100, 100, 100, 100 FCG - 100

 Gym (B day) - A, A, A, A FCG - A

8th Grade: 92.57 (Q1), 91.14 (Q2), 89.6 (Q3), (Fourth Quarter ends June 11th)

 Math - 88, 77, 82

 Spanish Beg. 1 - 97, 97, 97

 Health - 97, 97 FCG - 95

 Science - 88, 84, 81

 English - 91, 96, 94

 Social Studies - 87, 87, 84

 Resource - P, P, P, P

 Gym ( day) - A, A, A

 Orchestra - 100, 100, 100

 NYS ELA Exam (7th grade) - 2 (seven points away to a three)
 NYS Math Exam (7th grade) - 3

A 4 is the highest score for the NYS Exam

I got a 88 on my health final (I had health for a semester)

FCG = Final Course Grade

7th Grade
• Honor Roll (1st quarter)
• Honor Roll (2nd quarter)
• Honor Roll (3rd quarter)
• Principal List (4th quarter)
• Outstanding Achievement/Citizenship in Math (1st quarter)
• High Achievement in Social Studies (1st quarter)
• Outstanding Improvement in Strings (1st quarter)
• 2012 Reflections Finalists Crown Trophy in Visual Arts
• 100% Homework: Math, English, Science and Social Studies (2nd quarter)
• Student of the Month "February" (3nd quarter)
• National Junior Honor Society

8th Grade
• Student of the Month (September)
• Honor Roll (1st quarter)
• Honor Roll (2nd quarter)
• Honor Roll (3rd quarter)
• Outstanding Work Ethic in Spanish (1st quarter)
• English "Outstanding Effort"(1st quarter)
• Social Studies "Academic Achievement" (1st quarter)
• Resource Room "Outstand Effort" (1st quarter)
• Spanish (Average 97 - first quarter)
• Spanish (Average 97 - second quarter)
• Battle of the Books Award
• RCC Black Achievement Award
• Certificate of Achievement "What's Cool" Conference *verities 2 hours of community service*

 Roots and Shoots
 CRMS Math Academy (1 year)
 Neighbors to Neighbors Gardening Program (2 years)
 National Jr. Honor Society
Community Service/Volunteer Work
 Donate a can of beans for the food drive
 Volunteer projects in Roots and Shoots
 Volunteer to Paint UN Polls in Roots and Shoots
 In Roots and Shoots we went on a field trip to go to NYU in NYC for Roots and Shoots Day (May 5th, 2012)
 Volunteer to give out Modell's Coupons to people (long story)
 Completed 30 hours of community service

3 answers
I want YOUR OPINION base on my grades and stuff and since your a teacher
I have no idea. Nominations for these awards vary a lot from one school to the next.