Alum (aluminum sulfate) and chlorine are commonly used in water treatment processes. They serve specific purposes in the treatment of drinking water and wastewater:
Alum (Aluminum Sulfate):
- Alum is primarily used as a coagulant. It helps remove suspended particles, sediments, and colloids from water by causing them to clump together (agglomerate), which then can be removed more easily through sedimentation or filtration. This process is essential for improving the clarity and quality of drinking water.
- Chlorine is widely used as a disinfectant in water treatment. It kills harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, thereby ensuring that the water is safe for human consumption. Chlorination is a critical step in preventing waterborne diseases and is typically used to treat both drinking water and wastewater.
Together, alum and chlorine play crucial roles in ensuring the safety and quality of water for various uses.