Although the famous Christopher Columbus is usually credited with "discovering" the Americas, our confinement was actually first discovered thousands of years before Columbus in 40,000 B.C.

___ Q. Counted among these civilizations are the Aztec and Mayans, the remains of which are still being excavated today.
___ R. When they arrived on our continent, these people were mainly hunters, using tools and flint weapons.
___ S. Slowly, however, hunting evolved into farming and the people developed crops such as corn and squash.
___ T. Eventually these small groups of farmers developed complex civilizations.
___ U. A group of early explorers are believed to have literally walked here across the ocean from what is now Asia to Alaska by walking across a "land bridge" that existed at the time.

5 answers


I'll be glad to check your answers.
Oh sorry. I think it should be U, R, S, T, Q.
Yes! All of your answers are right.
Thank you!
You're welcome.