Although someone who is hypnotized may be compliant and susceptible to suggestion, it is clear that: (Points: 5)

they are pretending and know exactly what they are doing.
they will be able to recall the directions and events which took place after they return to a fully conscious state.
they are damaging their long term memory.
they have not lost their own will and will not perform antisocial or self-destructive acts.

i think they have not lost their own will and will not perform antisocial or self-destructive acts.

3 answers

I agree.
It depends on how the antisocial or destructive acts are presented. For example, if it is framed as protecting an innocent victim, the subject will likely perform violent acts that they would not ordinarily commit.
I agree with that. The meaning of the term antisocial depends on the person doing the interpretation. What is antisocial to one, is a good deed to another.

Consider a terrorist, for example. Most of the folks locked up do not conceive what they did as was an unselfish act for the greater good. Remember in the 1500's the dunking of witches?