Although I think humans nervous system is more complex …….. (compared to angler fish needs 4 simerlaritys and diferences long answer)

1 answer


1. Both humans and angler fish have a nervous system that controls and coordinates the functions of their body. This system allows for communication between different parts of the body, as well as the integration of sensory information to respond to external stimuli.

2. Both species have specialized sensory organs that allow them to perceive their environment and respond accordingly. For humans, this includes organs such as eyes, ears, and skin, while angler fish have unique adaptations such as bioluminescent lures to attract prey.

3. Both humans and angler fish have evolved ways to adapt to their environments and enhance their survival. Humans have developed complex cognitive abilities and social structures, while angler fish have unique hunting strategies and physical adaptations to thrive in the deep ocean.

4. Both species rely on a network of nerves and neurons to transmit electrical signals throughout their bodies. This allows for rapid communication and coordination of movements and responses to external stimuli.


1. The complexity of the nervous system in humans far surpasses that of angler fish. Humans have a highly developed brain with billions of neurons and intricate structures responsible for higher cognitive functions such as reasoning, problem-solving, and emotional processing. In contrast, angler fish have a more limited brain structure and simpler nervous system focused on basic survival functions.

2. Humans have a much wider range of sensory perceptions compared to angler fish. While angler fish rely primarily on their sense of sight and ability to detect vibrations in the water, humans have five main senses – sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch – as well as additional senses such as proprioception and balance.

3. Humans are capable of complex behaviors and social interactions that go beyond basic survival instincts. They can communicate through language, form relationships, and engage in activities that require problem-solving and decision-making. Angler fish, on the other hand, have more limited behavioral capabilities focused on hunting and reproduction.

4. The nervous system in humans is directly connected to the endocrine system, which regulates hormone production and plays a key role in maintaining homeostasis in the body. This complex interplay between the nervous and endocrine systems allows for coordinated responses to a wide range of internal and external stimuli. Angler fish lack this level of integration between their nervous and endocrine systems, relying more on instinctual responses to survive in their environment.