To check if your pizza can fit inside Tony's box, follow these steps:
1. Calculate the surface area of Tony's box:
Surface area = 2(WL + HL + HW)
W = width, L = length, H = height
2. Calculate the area of your pizza:
Area = π * r^2
r = radius of your pizza
3. Compare the area of your pizza and the surface area of Tony's box (specifically the area of the base W*L, since this is where the pizza will sit). If your pizza has approximately the same area as, or slightly smaller than the base of Tony's box, then it should fit.
4. If your pizza shape is irregular and won't fit perfectly, then you may need to reshape or cut the pizza so that it will fit. In this case, try to create an irregular shape by dividing the required dimensions (14 inches) to create a shape that would have at least 1/8 inch space around the edge to fit inside the box.
Remember, this calculation is assuming that the height of the box is large enough to accommodate the thickness of your pizza.
All you need to do is find the Surface area of Tony's box. And find the Area of tony's pizza using this formula: ( pi * r^2)<--- for the pizza. And see if your pizza has approximately the same area as his pizza, so it can at least fit into his box. Then make an irregular polygon and divide the 14 inches from the box into your shape so you at least have 1/8 of an inch to fit it inside. Hopefully, this helped and wasn't confusing. Oh yeah, the formula you use to find the surface area of the box is this: (WL+ HL+HW)
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