All the following quotations make a mockery of Lakunle’s masculinity except for one. Can you identify the exception?

SIDI: I who have felt the strength,/ The perpetual youthful zest/ Of the panther of the trees? And would I choose a watered-down,/ A beardless version of unripened man?

SIDI: Do you see what strength he has given me? That was not bad. For a man of sixty,/ It was the secret of God's own draught.

SADIKU: Take a farm for a season. One harvest will be enough to pay the price, even for a girl like Sidi. Or will the smell of the wet soil be too much for your delicate nostrils?

BAROKA: Guru morin guru morin, ngh-hn! That is All we get from 'alakowe'. You call at his house/ Hoping he sends for beer, but all you get is Guru morin. Will guru morin wet my throat? Well, well our man of knowledge, I hope you have no Query for

1 answer

The exception is: SIDI: I who have felt the strength,/ The perpetual youthful zest/ Of the panther of the trees? And would I choose a watered-down,/ A beardless version of unripened man?