All of the objects in earth's sky are in motion. The sun, moon and earth all rotate, or spin, around their own axes. The earth revolves, or moves around, the sun while the moon revolves around the earth. The length of rotations and revolutions vary. One revolution of the earth around the sun takes one year. One revolution of the moon around the earth takes approximately 28 days. The length of one rotation of the moon is the same as the length of one revoluation of the moon and that is why we only see one side of the moon!(5 points)
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All of the objects in earth's sky are in motion. The sun, moon and earth all Response area, or spin, around their own axes. The earth Response area, or moves around, the sun while the moon revolves around the earth. The length of rotations and revolutions vary. One revolution of the earth around the sun takes Response area. One revolution of the moon around the earth takes approximately Response area. The length of one rotation of the moon is the Response area as the length of one revoluation of the moon and that is why we only see one side of the moon!
9 answers
A solar eclipse can only happen during the night.
A solar eclipse can only happen during the night.
A solar eclipse can only happen during the day.
A solar eclipse can only happen during the day.
A lunar eclipse can only happen during the day.
A lunar eclipse can only happen during the day.
The phase of the sun was not full.
Florida is closer to the equator during the month of July.
Florida is closer to the equator during the month of July.
The Northern Hemisphere is tilted more toward the sun than the Southern Hemisphere in July.
The Northern Hemisphere is tilted more toward the sun than the Southern Hemisphere in July.
Australia is closer to the sun that Florida in July.
Australia is closer to the sun that Florida in July.
The Northern Hemisphere is experiencing day time while the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing night time.
(1 point)
During the Summer, the tilt of earth's axis causes the northern hemisphere to be pointed directly toward the sun 24 hours of the day.
During the Summer, the tilt of earth's axis causes the northern hemisphere to be pointed directly toward the sun 24 hours of the day.
During the Summer, the tilt of earth's axis causes the northern hemisphere to be pointed directly away from the sun 24 hours of the day.
During the Summer, the tilt of earth's axis causes the northern hemisphere to be pointed directly away from the sun 24 hours of the day.
During the Summer, the tilt of the sun's axis points it closer toward the North Pole where Barrow, Alaska is near.
During the Summer, the tilt of the sun's axis points it closer toward the North Pole where Barrow, Alaska is near.
The poles of earth don't rotate.