Asexual organisms pass on their genetic material to their offspring through a process called binary fission or cloning. In binary fission, the parent organism replicates its DNA and divides into two identical daughter cells. These daughter cells then continue to grow and develop into independent organisms. This process ensures that the genetic material of the parent organism is transmitted to the offspring without the need for sperm or egg cells.
Evidence from the study guide states that "in binary fission, the DNA of the parent organism is duplicated, and the cell divides into two identical daughter cells." This supports the explanation above, as it highlights the key steps involved in the transmission of genetic material in asexual reproduction.
Additionally, the Pre-lesson recordings also mention that asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring that are genetically identical to the parent organism. This further reinforces the idea that asexual organisms pass on their genetic material without the involvement of sperm or egg cells.
To summarize, asexual organisms pass on their genetic material to their offspring through binary fission or cloning, where the parent organism replicates its DNA and divides into identical daughter cells. This ensures the transmission of genetic material without the need for sperm or egg cells.
All answers must be written in complete sentences to earn full credit. Use the A.C.E. writing strategy and be sure to cite evidence from your readings, study guide, LiveClass, and Pre-lesson recordings. How do asexual orgar Isms pass on their genetic materlal to their offspring without having sperm or egg cells? Explain your answer in 3-5
1 answer