All answers [1. Before this event, the United States had not declared war.) ( 2. The United States emerged as a major world power.) (3. They built an unbreakable code based on the Navajo language.) ( 4. The u.s government later apologized to Japanese Americans for internment.)( 5. Air combat. ) (6. The Philippines ) ( 7. Learn to control nuclear power in the form of weapons .)(8. World war 2-era military uniform )(9.native Americans gained voting rights )(10.New Mexico offers many employment opportunities for residents.)(11.New Mexico’s constitution barred native Americans from voting.)( rights act of 1995, because it banned discriminatory voting practices.)(13.fulfilling promises made by the u.s government.)(14.encouraging a revival in Native American culture and traditions)(15.native Americans could provide more skills and services to their community.)(16. Santa fe )(17. sandia and los alamos )(18. They created jobs and drew new residents.)](19.short answer (20. Short answer) ( 21. Short answer)