For a) you just need to divide that amount of space each girl has by 100 and times it by the total area of the house they are renting. then you times the percentage you get by that cost of rent.
eg: Laura = 20/100x50
= 40%
= 40/100*900
= $360
For b) you calculate their food and water and electricity amount to make them per fortnight, add them and divide by three then you add that on top of the rent
Alison, Caitlin and Laura are sharing three bedroom two bathroom house at $900 rent per fortnight. Their weekly food bill is $210 per week and they save $50 per week for electricity and water. They share the rent based on the size of their bedroom and bathroom and share other cost equally.
Laura = 20m2
Caitlin = 16m2
Alison = 14m2
a) Calculate how much rent each girl will each fortnight
b) Calculate the total cost of living in the property for each girl
c) Laura's take home pay is $520 per week. What fraction of her pay will be needed to cover her rent? Can she afford to live in the biggest room?
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