Ali went to the store to buy vegetables he bought 16 ounce of potatoes 1.5 pounds of onions,4 ounce of celery 1 pound of tomatoes and 4 ounce of garlic what is the total weight of the vegetables in pounds/

20 answers

16 ounces = 1 pound

4 ounces = 0.25 pounds

I'll be glad to check your answer.
I got 3.65 pounds is this correct
No. Please show us how you got your answer.
is it 4.5 pounds
16 ounces of potatoes-- 1 pound
1.5 pounds of onions--- 1.5 pounds
4 ounces of celery----- 0.25 pounds
1 pound of tomatoes---- 1 pound
4 ounces of garlic----- 0.25

Now, add 1, 1.5, 0.25, 1, and 0.25 all together. What do you get?

1 + 1.5 + 0.25 + 1 + 0.25 = ?
I got 4.00 pounds
Yay! You're right.
thank u guys
You're welcome, Pinks! :)
the items were packed in two bags. the first bag had the potatos and onions,and the second bag contained the remaining items how many ounce did the first bag weigh? how many pounds did the second bag weigh? I got for the first bag 17.5 ounce and the second bag 24 ounce am I correct
Potatoes = 16 ounces
How many ounces did the onions weigh?

Your problem asks how many pounds were in the second bag.
Your answers are incorrect.

First off, remember what Ms. Sue said above for the first answer post.

"16 ounces = 1 pound

4 ounces = 0.25 pounds"

First question:

potatoes-----16 ounces - leave as is
onions-------1.5 pounds-must convert into ounces-this is where you made a mistake.

1.5 pounds = ? ounces

16 + ? = ? ounces.

The first bag weighs ? ounces.

Second question:

celery-------4 ounces - convert into pounds
tomatoes-----1 pound
garlic-------4 ounces - convert into pounds

4 ounces = ? pounds
1 pound = 1 pound
4 ounces = ? pounds

1 + ? + ? = ?

For the first question, you MUST CONVERT POUNDS INTO OUNCES.

For the second question, you MUST CONVERT OUNCES INTO POUNDS.
the onions weigh 1.5 pounds which is = TO 24 0z so the total will be 40 ounce
Correct! 40 ounces is the answer to the first question.
That's right for the first bag.
and the 2nd bag I got 1.50 ounce
The second bag is supposed to be measured in pounds.
It is correct, but instead putting the word "ounce" after 1.50, put the word "pounds" after 1.50 instead. That would be the correct way of writing it. Other than that, you are correct!
yay yay I got it thanks
You're welcome again, Pinks. :)