Each step on the richter scale is a factor of ten. So an earthquake of magnitude 3 has ten times the energy of one of magnitude 2. Or if you like a difference of 1 between the magnitudes is a factor of 10 increase, a difference of 2 is a factor of a hundred increase, a difference of 3 is a factor of a thousand increase.
What is the difference between 8.6 and 7.6?
Alaskan quake's richter magnitude: 8.6
Taiwan quake's richter magnitude: 7.6
about how much larger was the amplitude of the waves generated by the alaskan quake than the taiwan quake?
a. about twice as large
b. about ten times as large
c. about one hundred times as large
d. about one thousand times as large
I don't get it, but i think it's d.
2 answers
is thst d?