All four states have a government structure that is similar to the US Constitution in that they all have three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. Each state has a governor as the head of the executive branch, a bicameral legislature made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives, and a court system with jurisdiction over state laws.
The constitutions of Alaska, Delaware, Kansas, and Washington also have some differences. For example, Alaska's legislature is called the Alaska State Legislature, Delaware's legislature is called the General Assembly, Kansas' legislature is called the Kansas Legislature, and Washington's legislature is called the Washington State Legislature. Additionally, the jurisdiction of the courts in each state varies. In Alaska, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over appeals from the lower courts, while in Delaware, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over appeals from the lower courts and the Court of Chancery. In Kansas, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over appeals from the lower courts and the Court of Appeals, while in Washington, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over appeals from the lower courts, the Court of Appeals, and the Court of Appeals Division II.
Overall, the constitutions of Alaska, Delaware, Kansas, and Washington have similarities and differences in their government structures when compared to the US Constitution. These similarities and differences are mainly seen in the names of the legislatures and the jurisdiction of the courts.
Alaska Constitution
Delaware Constitution
Kansas Constitution
Washington Constitution
2 Similarities for each state's government structure to the US.Constitution structure (branches and
In five to seven sentences: explain why you think these states' constitutions have these similarities and differences?
2 Differences for each state's government structure to the US.Cunstitution structure (names of legislatures and jurisdiction of courts)
bicameral legislatures)
1 answer