1. What is an air mass?
- An air mass is a large body of air that has similar temperature and humidity characteristics throughout.
2. How are air masses classified?
- Air masses are classified based on their source region and the characteristics of that region, such as temperature and humidity.
3. What are the main types of air masses?
- The main types of air masses are polar (P) and tropical (T), which are further divided into continental (c) and maritime (m) categories depending on whether the source region is over land or water.
4. How do air masses bring about changes in weather?
- When an air mass moves into a new region, it can bring about changes in weather based on its temperature and humidity characteristics. For example, a cold air mass moving into a warm region can cause cooler temperatures and potentially precipitation.
5. What are some examples of air masses affecting the weather?
- Examples of air masses affecting the weather include the Arctic (A) air mass bringing cold temperatures to North America in the winter, and the tropical (T) maritime (m) air mass bringing warm and humid conditions to the southeastern United States in the summer.
Air masses Quick Check
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