Ainsley is trying to eat more vitamins and minerals. She checks the nutrition labels on two different brands of soup. Brand A has 40 percent of the daily value of iron in a 2-cup serving. Brand B has 30 percent of the daily value of iron in a 1-cup serving. Ainsley plans to eat 3 cups of soup. Which brand will give her more iron?

1) Brand A has more iron in 3 cups of soup.
2) Brand A and B offer the same amount of iron.
3) It is not possible to tell which brand has more iron from the information given.
4) Brand B has more iron in 3 cups of soup.

The answer is not 4 although she would be getting more iron from that, so I am thinking it's 3?

5 answers

I think it's 4.
B has 40% in 2 cups, so 60% in 3 cups
B has 30% in one cup, so 90% in 3 cups

why do you say the answer is not #4, since she gets more iron there?
I said that it wasn't 4 because I picked that answer and it was incorrect. Which makes no sense but, that what it says
I have this same question and it is saying that number 4 is incorrect. i'm so confused.
The answer is actually 1) Brand A has more iron in 3 cups of soup.