After viewing all of the above content, answer the following questions:

What NEW facts have you learned from these videos? List specifics

Critical analysis: How did the events of 9/11 affect our country?

Critical analysis: How did the events of 9/11 affect the world?

Critical analysis: Did Freedom’s in our world change as a result of 9/11?

answer all questions like you are 14 years old

1 answer

Sure! Here are my answers to your questions:

New Facts Learned:

  1. Immediate Impact: I learned that the attacks on September 11, 2001, led to immediate security changes at airports and public places.
  2. War on Terror: The U.S. launched a War on Terror, which included wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  3. Homeland Security: The Department of Homeland Security was created to protect the U.S. from future attacks.
  4. Surveillance: There was a significant increase in surveillance and monitoring of individuals both within the U.S. and globally.
  5. Islamophobia Rise: I learned that there was a noticeable increase in prejudice against Muslims and people from Middle Eastern backgrounds.
  6. Legislation: New laws, like the USA PATRIOT Act, were enacted to enhance law enforcement powers.

Critical Analysis: How did the events of 9/11 affect our country? The events of 9/11 had a huge impact on the United States. It made people feel very scared and worried about safety, which led to a lot of changes. For example, security became tighter at airports, and we had to start taking off our shoes and going through scanners. People also started to feel more patriotic, but there was a rise in hate crimes against Muslims. The government focused a lot on fighting terrorism, which caused the U.S. to be involved in wars that some people think weren't necessary. The attacks changed how Americans viewed the world and other countries, leading to more distrust and fear.

Critical Analysis: How did the events of 9/11 affect the world? Globally, 9/11 changed how countries approached security and terrorism. Many countries joined the U.S. in fighting terrorism, which led to military actions in places like Afghanistan. Some countries increased their own security measures, and there was a lot more cooperation between nations to share intelligence. However, these actions also led to increased tensions and conflicts, as some groups felt that Western nations were imposing their will on others. It made people more aware of global politics and how interconnected we are, but it also sparked more violence in some areas.

Critical Analysis: Did freedoms in our world change as a result of 9/11? Yes, I believe freedoms changed a lot after 9/11. In the U.S., the government took more control over surveillance and privacy, which meant that people had less privacy than before. The USA PATRIOT Act allowed for increased spying on individuals, which many felt infringed on civil liberties. Similarly, in other countries, governments used the fear of terrorism to justify more control over their citizens, limiting free speech and assembly. Although people still had the right to protest or express their opinions, there were new laws and security measures that sometimes made it hard for them to do so safely. It's a tricky balance between keeping people safe and protecting personal freedoms.