After the PharmD program are you officially a pharmacist or is there more education you have to go through?
5 answers
I am not a pharmacist;however, I know a number of students who have gone on to obtain a pharmD and they are practicing pharmacists. There may be a requirement is some states to pass an exam, much like medical doctors must pass before they can begin practice. Detailed information may be obtained from the school which you are considering.
How long in the undergraduate program to get into PharmD? And are there any school that's allow you to go right into PharmD from highschool?
Here is ONE site from ONE school that offers a pharmD program. Note that this site explains prerequisites, the pharmD program itself, and other bits of information. At the university where I taught until I retired several years ago, we offered a pre-pharmacy program which was about two years. Students then applied to the ONE state pharmacy program in our state or to any out of state program. For whatever it's worth, the pharmacy school in our state preferred their students to take the pre-pharmacy courses at their institution. They claimed they were better prepared to apply for and enter pharmacy school. Many pharmacy programs now are being updated so that all they offer is the pharmD degree. Here is the site I referred to above.
Lena, if you are in Canada, you need to focus on CAnadian requirements. They are different from US>
Thank you :)