After reading each passage, write the signal word or words it contains and the type of relationship that each signal word indicates.

1. They entreated us not to be angry any longer, because, even if it was their death, they would take us where we chose.

Signal words: because
Relationship: Reason

2. The next morning all those who were strong enough came along, and at the end of three journeys we halted.

Signal words: The next morning; at the end of three journeys
Relationship: Time

3. The people who heard of our approach did not come to meet us, but we found them at their homes.

Signal words: but
Relationship: contrast

4. Although this was the warm season, no one could live in this canyon because of the cold.

Signal words: because
Relationship: reason

5. They returned about four o'clock in the afternoon, as they could not reach the bottom because of the many obstacles they met.

Signal words: because
Relationship: reason

2 answers

Do you have a chart or a definition of what you're using as "signal words"?