After reading about the Malaria problem in North Borneo and the subsequent attempts to eliminate it, do you believe the beneficial effects of spraying pesticides on Sabah outweighed the resulting unexpected and harmful effects?
It depends on the value you put on bugs and cats versus malaria. Hindsight is so much easier than foresight, especially when you can cook the facts.
I am reminded of other questions that boil down to values: Mercy killing of the aged and infirm; abortion; killing of excess dogs and cats in animal shelters; and so on. The values are yours, not mine. It is the values which determine the arguement and the outcome.
It depends on the value you put on bugs and cats versus malaria. Hindsight is so much easier than foresight, especially when you can cook the facts.
I am reminded of other questions that boil down to values: Mercy killing of the aged and infirm; abortion; killing of excess dogs and cats in animal shelters; and so on. The values are yours, not mine. It is the values which determine the arguement and the outcome.