After pollination the ovary sometimes becomes
3 answers
a fruit.
Anther, stigma, ovary, style, sepal, petal, filament
The anther is the part of the flower's stamen that produces and holds pollen grains. The stigma is the sticky or feathery structure at the top of the pistil, where pollen grains land and germinate. The ovary is the basal part of the pistil that contains ovules, which develop into seeds after pollination. The style is the long, slender tube-like structure that connects the stigma to the ovary. Sepals are the green leaf-like structures that protect the flower bud before it opens. Petals are the colorful and often scented structures that surround the reproductive parts of the flower, attracting pollinators. Filaments are the slender stalks that support the anther and elevate it within the flower.