How many rounds are needed to go from the 256 individuals trying out to the 8 individuals who will be on the Sunnyville High School Varsity Cheer Squad?
x= 5 rounds
After Cheer Coach Moore completed grade checks and verified other eligibility requirements, there were 256 individuals remaining to try out for the 8 positions on the Sunnyville High School Varsity Cheer Squad. The individuals will go through three weeks of training, then will be face several rounds of competition. After each round, half of the individuals will be eliminated from the try-outs.
Drag the appropriate value to each box to complete the equation to determine after how many rounds only 8
individuals will remain.
How many rounds are needed to go from the 256
8 individuals trying out to the
individuals who will be on the Sunnyville High School Varsity Cheer Squad?
1 answer