36 answers
African slaughter rituals should be allowed in the surbubs
African slaughter ritualistic shoulder be allowed in suburbs, because we as Africans believe in it, it's our culture we must follow the footsteps of our forefathers, everyone has he's or her to a religion and culture allow it.
We are african must follow the the forefather
English is the language of opportunity. Why bother to teach indigenous language?
Traditional African marriage is an advantage for men only, not women.
Slaughter is our cultur so it doz not metter whr we doing it
african slaughter should be allowed because,Africa is a free country and a rainbow nation,we must respect each other's culture because cultures are crucial to us black people
Yes African slaughter should be allowed in suburbs becoz we Africans ,most of them believe in slaughtering when doing rituals and we black people we must respect our culture
African slaughter rituals should be allowed in the suburb because we are living in a country were we are free and we must respect our culture we as blacks
African slaughter should be allowed in suburbs because as an African we are allowed to do everything that you wish to do like respecting your ancestors like your forefathers were doing it,suburbs or no suburbs,we have a right to do it as an African
as Africans' we have the rights to respect our cultures n our forefathers because we are living in a free country
As we Africans we have customs that we follow and rituals so we can show our ancestor respect and gratitude
Yes we must practice our African culture to communicate with our ancestors to ask something or to thank the achievement
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It should be allowed because we as African believe that when we slaughter,we communicate with our forefathers to show us the right path
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It is allowed becoz most people believe in slaughtering ..n it's a free country nobody can judge wat ur doing Nd most people believe in it though that they give better communication to their ancestors πŸ™‚
Its allowed because we young people we have abandoned our own culture we have forgetten about where we come from we do things differently from our elders its seems like we are blinded by this new generation i mean back in the olden days people used to love their own culture people used to perform rituals anywhere so why can't we slaughter rituals in the suburbs well i know there in the suburbs lives people with integrity but we need to communicate with our ancestors 😌🌻
I think it should be allowed because some people still believe in their different cultures and still live in the suburbs so what are they supposed to do if that's not allowed in the suburbs...where are they going to slaughter for their ancestors they have to communicate with that's y I'm saying it should be allowed because some of us believe and love our customsπŸƒπŸƒ
African slaughter rituals must be allowed in suburbs
Slaughter rituals should be allowed in the suburbs become we as blacks think and believe that our ancestors they are the one who protect us guide is everything thing we do and give us things we as, so not only whites stay in the suburbs or people that don't believe in Slaughter rituals...we all as people as nation we've got rights this is our land it's our freedom to do what we want.
Slaughter rituals should be allowed in the suburbs because we as blacks think and believe that our ancestors they are the one who protect us, guide us in everything we do and give us things we ask, so not only whites stay in the suburbs or people that don't believe in Slaughter rituals...we all as people, as nation we've got rights, this is our land it's our freedom to do what we want.
African slaughter should be allowed in suburb because it is our tradition n we must respect our ancestors
To do research about African Slaughter rituals should be allowed in should in suburbs
Slaughter ritual should be allowed in suburbs because performing our rituals is our duty as for praising our ancestors
I really think that we as Africans should be allowed to perform our rituals anywere this includes in the surbs because performing our rituals is part of our cultures and traditions
I agree with the statement that rituals should be allowed into the surburbs bcz we as black ppl we believe a lot in our culture and diversity
I think it should be allowed to honour our tradition as black people and to communicate with our ancestors to show us the right pathπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
Allowing African slaughter rituals in the suburbs is important because it is a way for African people to connect with their culture and demonstrate respect for their ancestors. These rituals have been practiced for generations and are a cornerstone of African tradition. Allowing these practices will promote cultural diversity and respect for the African culture.
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