African Americans Identify and describe which, if any, of these creation and consequence situations the group has faced:

o Creation: migration, annexation, or colonization
o Consequences: extermination, expulsion, secession, segregation, fusion, or assimilation

1 answer

Most African-Americans were forced to migrate to the Americas. They were brought here to be slaves.

They have faced all but two of these consequences.

Some were exterminated by the appalling crowded and unhealthy conditions aboard the ships that brought them from Africa to the Americas. Others were later exterminated by the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists.

They were segregated by law until the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s ended formal segregation. Today many are still unofficially segregated by neighborhoods and towns. Thus, schools still tend to be segregated. Some southern high schools in the South still hold separate black and white proms.

They've experienced fusion as black and white couples have produced children.

Many African-Americans have been assimilated into the society. The prime example is President Barak Obama.