Advise a friend who responds to conflict by AVOIDANCE on why it is not healthy in sustaining positive relationship
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and conflict
Life orientation
How will you advice your friend to avoid conflict
Advice a friend who responds to conflict by avoidance
I would tell that friend that when he or she denies that there is a conflict he or she will make things to be more difficult and that conflict won't be solved which will lead to a negative relationship which will cause commotion or unnecessary fights so advise that friend to try and solve this conflict instead of ignoring it
I can say to my friend to make as if there is nothing that have never happen its not a solution
I think ignoring will never help ,try to fix things when time is right
never avoid a situation, learn from your mistakes,but ,use other people's mistake as a stepping stone to success as deligence is the mother of good fortune.
I would advice you to communicate more, to avoid friction between you and your partner if that a problem too....go and see som1 cuz u need help
advise a friend who responds to conflict by confrontation
don't avoid it put your pride aside and solve the matter before it gets anny worse
I would advice a friend to focus on what she want to achieve in life and focus on that
Avoiding a conflict won't help it's better to sit down and solve the problem b4 it's too late
Nb: she/he needs to swallow their pride
Nb: she/he needs to swallow their pride
Communicate with your partner and put your pride aside
Try to be calm never be noisy and listen to a person first and respond after never talk at the same time when he or she is still talking wait until you hear clearly what he or she is saying to you.
All avoiding a situation does is make it worse and pushes it onto another time for you to need to solve it, and it becomes harder later too because more junk piles on from before.
1) It stops you from taking action in much needed conflict time, when you can actually end the conflict.
2) It makes you introvert gradually, and after some time, you might not be able to actually face the situations and take decisions emotionally rather basing them on facts.
3) Avoiding conflict only intensifies the problem and not solve it. This causes the problem to run for a long time.
4) All the above situations may increase emotional stress for you, which may eventually harm the relationships in your life. It brings differences in relationships.
2) It makes you introvert gradually, and after some time, you might not be able to actually face the situations and take decisions emotionally rather basing them on facts.
3) Avoiding conflict only intensifies the problem and not solve it. This causes the problem to run for a long time.
4) All the above situations may increase emotional stress for you, which may eventually harm the relationships in your life. It brings differences in relationships.
Assertiveness is the best way to manage conflict. The assertive principles of standing up for oneself while acknowledging the rights of others mean that both tactically and strategically the assertive person always has a win-win solution to conflict in their mind. Their solution is always about wisdom never force. Assertive people are like owls. They see the whole situation from both points of view. They aim for a resolution to conflict based on wisdom, not force.