Use Google and search for advance directives for your state.
Write a directive for your wishes for the end of your life.
Advance directives are defined by your readings as written instructions recognized under state law, such as living wills or durable powers of attorney for health care, that relate to the kind of health care the patient wishes to have or not have when incapacitated. Also know that advance directives are not designed to hasten death and can serve to prohibit the refusal or withdrawal of life-sustaining measures, thus sustaining life.
Create your own advance directive by conducting an Internet search of advance directives for your state. Example search: advance directives Wisconsin. Your state should provide information and sample forms you can use to write your own advance directive, living will, or durable power of attorney for health care decisions. Prepare and submit the form in a 1-2 page paper. just need a little clarification on exactly what I am supposed to be doing I feel like Im overthinking this to much
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