Adolescent women are most likely to use contraception:

During their first experience of sexual intercourse. My answers is A
If they already have one baby.
If they have been involved in a steady relationship.
If they have just met their sexual partners.

2 answers

I couldn't find any statistics about this question.

What does your book say?
IT is somewhat curious on c. Research has indicated that teens are more likely than their peers to use contraception when in a steady relationship, unless their partener is more than three years older, in which they are less likely to use effective contraception regularity.

A is most definitely wrong. Passion prevents planning.
D. is most definitely wrong.

Leaving C and b. The problem with b is that many of those babies were the result of not thinking, nor controlling, nor understanding how to use contraception correctly, and consistently. So one mistake does not preclude a second.

c. I vote for c, assuming it means.."f they are involved in a steady relationship with a partner near their age. Research tell us that.

So, make your choice. If I were the teacher, I would have more carefully worded c.