'Administrative law involves decision making within the bases of a government organisation and deals with powers and functions of the administrative authorities, and the manner in which they form legislations to enforce legal obligations upon individuals.'
does that make sense?
5 answers
It is a wee bit of a run on sentence. It would run more smoothly with either a semi-colon to change it into a list of the three, or... a period dividing the sentences.
I agree with MsPi -- this needs to be rephrased so it is changed into 2 or 3 good sentences instead of 1 too-long sentence.
so can someone rephrase for me please
You give it a try, and I'll check your work for you.
No ideas? First of all, which words can you get rid of entirely. Wordiness is rampant in this!
Here are the clauses and phrases in that too-long sentence; how will you revise them?
Administrative law involves decision making within the bases of a government organisation
and deals with powers and functions of the administrative authorities,
and the manner in which they form legislations to enforce legal obligations upon individuals.
Here are the clauses and phrases in that too-long sentence; how will you revise them?
Administrative law involves decision making within the bases of a government organisation
and deals with powers and functions of the administrative authorities,
and the manner in which they form legislations to enforce legal obligations upon individuals.