Addition grade 2 lesson plan

1 answer

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of addition by solving addition problems with sums up to 20.

- Counters or manipulatives
- Number cards or number line
- Addition worksheets
- Whiteboard or chart paper
- Markers or colored pencils

Warm-up (10 minutes):
1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the concept of addition with the students.
2. Use manipulatives or counters to create addition problems and have the students solve them.
3. Display number cards or a number line on the board to aid students in solving the problems.
4. Ask a few students to come up and demonstrate their understanding by solving some addition problems on the board.

Introduction (5 minutes):
1. Explain to the students that today they will be learning more about addition and practicing solving addition problems with sums up to 20.
2. Display a few addition problems on the board and solve them together as a class.
Example: 7 + 3 = 10

Instruction (15 minutes):
1. Provide each student with a worksheet containing addition problems with sums up to 20.
2. Review the instructions for completing the worksheet and remind students to use the tools provided (such as number lines or counters) to help them solve the problems.
3. Allow the students to work individually or in pairs to complete the worksheet.
4. Circulate around the room, providing support and guidance as needed.

Guided Practice (10 minutes):
1. Once the students have completed the worksheet, bring them back together as a class.
2. Display one of the problems from the worksheet on the board.
3. Ask for a volunteer to come up and solve the problem on the board, explaining their thought process and strategies.
4. Discuss the different strategies used by the student and commend their efforts.
5. Repeat this process with a few more problems from the worksheet, involving different students each time.

Independent Practice (10 minutes):
1. Distribute a new worksheet or provide a whiteboard for each student.
2. Ask the students to solve the addition problems independently.
3. Encourage the use of tools and strategies discussed during the lesson.
4. Monitor their progress and provide assistance as needed.

Closure (5 minutes):
1. Have a few students share their answers and strategies for solving the addition problems.
2. Recap the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of using tools and strategies to solve addition problems.
3. Assign some additional practice problems as homework if desired.

Note: The duration of each segment can be adjusted based on the specific needs and pace of the students. Additionally, additional activities or games can be incorporated to provide further practice and engagement.