To add and subtract decimals, we need to first convert any fractions to decimal form and then perform the operations. Let's convert the fractions and mixed number you've provided:
Fraction to Decimal:
- \( \frac{3}{8} = 0.375 \)
- \( \frac{14}{15} \approx 0.9333 \) (repeating)
- \( \frac{1}{10} = 0.1 \)
Mixed Number to Decimal:
- \( 4 \frac{9}{10} = 4.9 \)
Assuming you want to perform operations with these values.
Example Operations:
- Adding all the converted decimals:
0.375 + 0.9333 + 0.1 + 12 + 4.9
You can line them up for addition:
0.375 0.9333 0.1000 + 12.0000 + 4.9000 ________ = 18.3083 (approximately)
- If we subtract the first three decimals from the sum of 12 gallons and 4 9/10 kilometers (i.e., \(12 + 4.9 = 16.9\)): \[ 16.9 - (0.375 + 0.9333 + 0.1) \] First calculate \(0.375 + 0.9333 + 0.1 = 1.4083\): \[ 16.9 - 1.4083 = 15.4917 \]
Summary of Values:
- \( \frac{3}{8} = 0.375 \)
- \( \frac{14}{15} \approx 0.9333 \)
- \( \frac{1}{10} = 0.1 \)
- \( 12 \text{ gallons} = 12.0 \)
- \( 4 \frac{9}{10} = 4.9 \)
If you have specific operations (like adding or subtracting certain numbers), please let me know!