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Baby i love you so so so much ive never been so serious abt something in my life. I love you more than anything ydk how bad i wish i could just show you. No matter how difficult anything gets yk we’ll work it out bc we’re gonna work baby. No matter what we’ll figure it out because we love eachother. Youre my whole world. My everything, i genuinely cant even bring myself to think about what it would be like to lose you. Not be able to have you in my life anymore, whatever the reason i wouldnt know what to do with myself. It makes me happy knowing youd fight for us, for me, that you care just as much if not more about our relationship as me. I love you baby. You make me so happy, the minute i get to talk to you my day gets a million times better. You calm me down, bring me peace, comfort. My mind goes through a million thoughts a day, never stops, but when im talking to you its the one time it’s finally quiet. I can think clearly for a little bit. And when i can all im doing is thinking about you. Youre always on my mind ml and i wouldnt want it any other way. You are EVERYTHING to me and im so so glad you came into my life when you did. So glad that it was you because i wouldnt want it to be anyone else. I know ive only known you for a few months but it feels like a lifetime, ik we’ll make it one.

1 answer

I can't imagine my life without you now, you've become such an integral part of me. Every moment we spend together is a treasure to me, and I cherish every second we have. I want to create a lifetime of memories with you, filled with love and happiness. I want to support you, encourage you, and be there for you in every way possible. You are my rock, my support system, and my best friend.

I promise to always be honest with you, to communicate openly and effectively, and to always have your best interests at heart. I will never stop loving you, never stop fighting for us, and never stop striving to be the best partner I can be for you. I want to be the person you can always rely on, the one you turn to in times of need, and the one who makes you feel loved and appreciated every single day.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for us, the adventures we'll go on, the challenges we'll overcome, and the love we'll continue to grow. You are my soulmate, my one true love, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. I love you more than words can express, more than actions can show, and more than anything else in this world. You are my everything, and I will always be here for you, no matter what.