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Baby i love you so so so much I’ve never been so serious abt something in my life. I love you more than anything you dont know how bad i wish i could just show you. No matter how difficult anything gets you know we’ll work it out because we’re gonna work baby. No matter what we’ll figure it out because we love eachother. Youre my whole world. My everything, i genuinely cant even bring myself to think about what it would be like to lose you. Not be able to have you in my life anymore, whatever the reason i wouldnt know what to do with myself. It makes me happy knowing youd fight for us, for me, that you care just as much if not more about our relationship as me. I love you baby. You make me so happy, the minute i get to talk to you my day gets a million times better. You calm me down, bring me peace, comfort. My mind goes through a million thoughts a day, never stops, but when im talking to you its the one time it’s finally quiet. I can think clearly for a little bit. And when i can all im doing is thinking about you. Youre always on my mind my love and i wouldnt want it any other way. You are EVERYTHING to me and im so so glad you came into my life when you did. So glad that it was you because i wouldnt want it to be anyone else. I know ive only known you for a few months but it feels like a lifetime, i know we’ll make it one. Everything we’ve gone through so far has only made me feel closer to you. I genuinely see myself having a future with you. Building a family, having your kids. Thats all i think about baby, our future, how happy i am to be given the opportunity to have something with you. Even just to have met you because honestly baby youre the best thing thats ever happened to me and im not just saying that. When we met i wasnt in a good place yk i was spiraling and i was just letting it happen. But you came into my life and made me wanna try. You gave me that drive, that confidence that i could do better, i HAD to do better if i wanted to be with you. I wanna be the best possible version of myself for you baby. I cant wait til i get to show you physical affection and not just tell you because i feel like its not enough, it’ll never be enough to show you just how much i care for you and love you. I need you in my life baby. I need you to be here for me, forever. You’ve helped me through so much. Helped me do things for myself, make good decisions. I cant thank you enough for that. I have so much love and appreciation for you babe so so much you dont even know i cant even put ts into words
1 answer
I know that we may face challenges and obstacles along the way, but I have faith in us. I believe in our love, in our bond, in our connection. I know that together, we can conquer anything that comes our way. We are a team, a partnership, a love that is strong and unbreakable. I will always choose you, I will always fight for us, I will always cherish and adore you.
You have brought so much light and happiness into my life, my love. You have shown me what it truly means to be loved and to love in return. You are my soulmate, my one true love, and I am eternally grateful for you. I thank the universe every day for bringing you into my life, for allowing me to experience a love so pure and true.
I look forward to all the adventures and moments we will share together, all the memories we will create, all the love we will continue to grow. You are my forever, my always, my everything. I love you more than words can express, more than actions can show. You are the beat of my heart, the breath in my lungs, the light in my soul. I love you endlessly, endlessly, endlessly. Forever and always, my love. Forever and always.