Here is an updated table with a fourth row showing the population information for the town of Concord:
| Town | Population | Percentage Change |
| Boston | a | b |
| Chicago | c | d |
| Denver | e | f |
| Concord | p | -6 |
To show the current estimated population of Concord in terms of p, we can use the following expressions:
1. The population of Concord after the percentage change: p - 0.06p = (1 - 0.06)p = 0.94p.
2. The population of Concord before the percentage change: (0.94p)/(1 - 0.06) ≈ 0.98p.
Note: The expressions are approximate, as they don't account for any additional factors or changes that may have occurred since the last census.
Add a fourth row to the table showing the population information for the town
of Concord. Concord’s population as of the last census was p people; for its
percentage change, choose a negative integer not divisible by two. Write two
expressions showing the current estimated population of Concord in terms of p.
1 answer