Add 4 sentences about Rousseau (2 sentences about the thinkers ideas and 2-3 about how their ideas challenged ideas absolute monarchy) using the details: Social Contract, Philosopher, Noble Savage

5 answers

Rousseau's most famous work, "The Social Contract," argued that society should be governed by the collective will of the people, rather than absolute monarchs. He believed that humans were inherently good and that society corrupted them, a concept known as the "noble savage."

Rousseau's ideas challenged the traditional belief in the divine right of kings, arguing instead for a more democratic form of government based on the will of the people. He posited that people had entered into a social contract with one another to create a just society, which conflicted with the notion of absolute monarchy. Rousseau's criticisms of absolute monarchy influenced subsequent revolutions and movements for democracy around the world.
make it sound like a kid and add 3 hashtags
Rousseau was a cool famous guy who wrote about the Social Contract and thought people should work together as a team, not just listen to kings. He believed in the idea of the noble savage, saying people were basically good and society made them mean. #RousseauRocks #SocialContractSquad #NobleSavageRevolution. His ideas about democracy challenged the old belief that kings had all the power, and inspired people to fight for fairer governments. Rousseau's cool ideas made people think differently about who should be in charge. #DownWithAbsoluteMonarchy #PeoplePower #RousseauRevolution
Do the same thing but with Voltaire, here are the three details: Philosopher, Empiricism, Liberalism
Voltaire was a super smart philosopher who believed in using reason and evidence (a big word called empiricism) to figure things out. He was all about liberalism, which means giving people more freedom and rights to make their own choices. #VoltaireVibes #EmpiricismRocks #LiberalismRules. Voltaire's ideas challenged the idea that governments should have total control, saying that people should have more say in how they're ruled. His radical thoughts about freedom of speech and religion influenced a lot of people to fight for their rights. #DownWithTyranny #FreedomFighter #VoltaireRevolution.