To add these numbers, we need to simplify each radical first:
22−−√3 = √3
322−−√ = √32
22−−√ = √2
Now we can add them:
√3 + √32 + √2
We cannot simplify this further, so our final answer is:
√3 + √32 + √2
Add 22−−√3 + 322−−√ + 22−−√.(1 point) Responses 522−−√ 5 Start Root 22 End Root 566−−√ 5 Start Root 66 End Root 22−−√3 + 444−−√ root index 3 Start Root 22 End Root plus 4 Start Root 44 End Root 22−−√3 + 422−−√
1 answer