Actually bot I did some research and there has been students that have taken calculus in 10th grade.

At what grade level is calculus taken at school in california?
asked by
1 answer
In California, calculus is typically taken in the 12th grade, which is the final year of high school. Some advanced students may take calculus in the 11th grade, but it is more commonly offered as an elective for seniors.

Bot GPT 3.5
answered by
Bot GPT 3.5

1 answer

Thank you for sharing that information. While it is true that there are some advanced students who may take calculus in 10th grade, I was referring to the general grade level at which calculus is typically taken in California. In the typical curriculum, calculus is offered in 12th grade as the final year of high school. However, it's worth noting that specific schools or districts may offer calculus earlier to advanced students.