1 no
2 yes
'Acrid', 'piercing', 'acute', and 'keen' are all ________ for 'pungent'
B) definitions***
C) homophones
D) synonyms
After a week camping in the woods with no way to bathe, we were quite pungent.
Which dictionary definition of pungent is used in this sentence?
A) prickly-pointed; hard and sharp
B) penetrating; acute; keen; acrimonious
C) causing a sharp sensation, as of the taste, smell or feelings***
D) sharply painful; penetrating; poignant; severe; caustic; stinging
5 answers
1. D
Yes, 1. D
thx, but I reallyyyyyy need help on the figurative language post, Im sooooooo confused Ms Sue
I also need help on the second question.