According to the doves(people opposed to the Vietnam war) answer this question.

Was the motive for US involvement in Vietnam primarily to help the average South Vietnamese citizen or was it primarily to gain a power advantage over Russia and China? That is, did US leaders care about the S.V. or were the S.V just pawns on the power struggle with Russia and China.

I think that the doves would say that it wasn't truley for the South Vietnamese but ratherfor the US's personal gain. IS this correct? What do you guys think?

3 answers

Are you sure there's only one right answer?
There is a general answer if you look from the doves perspective
Originally, President Kennedy sent advisors there to prop up President Theiu from guirellas, at the request from top management of Firestone Rubber. They had a lot of rubber plantations there, and did not want to lose them. As the situation detoriated in 64, more troops were needed, and During the Goldwater Campaign for President, some political groups raised the spectre of the Red Army spreading worldwide...words such as barrier, protect SE asia were used. The "patriotic", but natiolistic arguements ensured supporting large forces, as it was a National need, and we had to stop the commies. Part of that argument had to do with saving face also, in my opinion.
I don't personally many leaders in the US were concerned for the citizens of South Vietnam, or North Vietnam, for that matter. They were "pawns", in your terminology.