What book/article are you reading?
This? http://newdimensions.org/program-archive/even-god-believes-in-evolution-with-martinez-hewlett-ted-peters/
Or this?
Or what?
Let us know what YOU THINK and how YOU will answer this question. Someone here will be happy to critique your thinking and writing.
According to the authors, (Hewlett, Martinez & Peters, Ted), why should the Christian commitment to truth lead Christians to support Darwinian and neo-Darwinian scientific research?
3 answers
According to the authors, (Hewlett, Martinez & Peters, Ted), why should the Christian commitment to truth lead Christians to support Darwinian and neo-Darwinian scientific research?
Hewlett, Martinez & Peters, Ted, "Why Darwin's theory of evolution deserves theological support," Theology & Science; July 2006, 4:2, pp. 171-182
Hewlett, Martinez & Peters, Ted, "Why Darwin's theory of evolution deserves theological support," Theology & Science; July 2006, 4:2, pp. 171-182
What do you think, Linda?