True. Germany's economy faced several challenges after Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939.
Firstly, the invasion of Poland led to the outbreak of World War II, which had significant economic consequences for Germany. The war forced Germany to divert substantial resources towards military production and mobilization, placing a strain on the economy.
Secondly, the invasion of Poland meant that Germany's access to vital resources, such as oil and iron ore, was restricted. As a result, Germany had to rely on domestic resources and prioritize resource allocation, which further strained the economy.
Thirdly, the invasion of Poland led to Germany being isolated from international markets. Many countries imposed economic sanctions and trade embargoes on Germany, cutting off crucial trade relationships and markets. This isolation further worsened the economic situation in Germany.
Additionally, the war led to massive destruction of infrastructure and industrial capacity in Germany. German cities and factories were heavily bombed by the Allied forces, leading to a decline in production and a loss of skilled labor.
Furthermore, the war also triggered massive inflation in Germany. The government resorted to printing more money to finance the war effort, leading to a rapid devaluation of the currency and a surge in prices.
In conclusion, the invasion of Poland by Hitler in September 1939 posed various challenges to Germany's economy, including increased military expenditure, restricted access to resources, trade isolation, destruction of infrastructure, and inflation. These factors collectively impacted the German economy and contributed to its difficulties during this period.
according to the article by Adam Tooze, ‘Formal End of the Second World War’,
History Today, Volume 56, Issue 11, 2006) . When Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939, Germany’s economy faced challenges.
True/False? Motivate your answer. (8 marks)
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