1. Providing Ishaan with extra time on tests and assignments to account for his slower processing speed.
2. Breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to help Ishaan stay on track and not get overwhelmed.
3. Allowing Ishaan to use assistive technology, such as speech-to-text software or a calculator, to help with writing and math tasks.
4. Giving Ishaan opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning to better engage his strengths and interests.
5. Providing visual aids, such as diagrams or charts, to help Ishaan better understand complex concepts in subjects like science and math.
6. Allowing Ishaan to record lectures or use audio recordings to review material at his own pace.
7. Encouraging Ishaan to participate in arts or music therapy as a way to express himself creatively and build self-confidence.
8. Collaborating with Ishaan's parents and teachers to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that outlines specific accommodations and modifications to support his learning needs.
Accommodations or modifications that could be user to help Ishaan in Like stars on earth movie
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