I think this is pretty subjective because core beliefs sustained by education are dependent on the educators themselves. Teachers in one geographic region in America may emphasize particular beliefs more than other beliefs.
Does your text offer any clues on this?
Access to education sustains which of the following core beliefs in American political culture?
limited government
equality of opportunity
free enterprise
I don't know whether to pick B or D :/
5 answers
I agree with Leo, but if your material does not offer much, I'm LEANING towards B. But see arguments can be made for others (especially D).
I'd raise the point with the teacher that it could be either, and why you think that. Many times, teachers strike that question from the test so nobody gets penalized for answering it differently than the teacher was thinking when it was written.
I'd raise the point with the teacher that it could be either, and why you think that. Many times, teachers strike that question from the test so nobody gets penalized for answering it differently than the teacher was thinking when it was written.
Thank you for your opinions. I will put down B since I too am vouching for that one more so than D. The only reason I am including D is because it doesn't seem out of the question and that we learned a lot about it in this particular unit. However I think B is still the best. I will post again once I get the result
answer is B
B is the correct answer