Access can be used to support various businesses. For this project, we will use Access to

analyze video game sales, then decide for which game the studio should make next.
Screenshots of the project are included throughout these instructions
Part 1: Setup the Initial Database
1. Open Access and Create a blank database.
2. Next, add four tables to the database.
3. Table 1 Name:
o Name of Game Company (i.e. Sega, Blizzard, Activision...)
4. Game Company Fields:
o gameID, GameName, Genre, Developer, Sales, AvgRating
▪ Set the Data Types to "Short Text," for all but "Sales." Set the "Sales"Data Type to "Number."
▪ Add a Description for each Field.
▪ Assign the Primary Key to "gameID"
5. Table 2 Name:
o Reviews
6. Review Fields:
o reviewID, gameID, ReviewName, Comments
▪ Set the Data Types to "Short Text," for all but "reviewID." Set the"reviewID" Data Type to "AutoNumber."
▪ Assign the Primary Key to "reviewID"7. Table 3 Name:
o Sources
8. Sources Fields:
o ID, WebsiteName, WebsiteURL
▪ Set the Data Type to "AutoNumber" for "ID," "Short Text" for
"WebsiteName," and "Hyperlink" for "WebsiteURL."
▪ Assign the Primary Key to "ID"
9. Table 4 Name:
o Recommendation
10. Recommendation Field:
o Recommendation
▪ Set the Data Type to "Long Text"
Part 2: Research and Add Data to the Game, Recommendation, and Source Tables
1. Select a video game company. Research their titles looking for Game Name, Genre,
Developer (note the Developer is often independent of the Game Company), Sales, and
the Game's Average Rating. Populate the Game table with this information.
1. Include a minimum of 5 games, maximum of 10.
2. As you research, add your Sources to the Sources table. Include the Website's Name
and URL.
3. Repeat to populate the Review table. List the Reviewer Name and include brief review
o Hint: Make sure that the gameID in the Review table matches the gameID that
the game is about in the Game tablePart 3: Relate the Game and Review Tables:
1. Create the Relationship between the Game and the Review tables
o Comments will now appear within the Game table:
Part 4: Create 3 Queries:
1. Create three queries on data of your choice. These queries will help you make your
recommendation for what game the studio should make next:
o Cross Table Query - this query will mix data from both the Game and Reviewtables. Your choice of data2. Most Sales Query - query the games in terms of their sales. Sort MostSales
"Descending" to show highest gross sales first.3. Restricted Query - create a four field query. Restrict the data.Part 5: Create a Form and Type Your Recommendation:
1. Create a Recommendation Form off of the Recommendation Table
2. Open the Form
3. Type your Recommendation for which game the studio should make next. Note total
sales, critic and user reviews, trends in genre, trends in titles, etc. What do you think
the next logical game is for the studio to make. Note, it does not have to be a
continuation of a current title. Perhaps you notice that fighting games are the best
sellers for the studio. What type of fighting game should they next make? Do you
believe the data that you are reviewing to make this decision is accurate? Is it in
anyway misleading (i.e. who rated game, what population purchased game, did external
factors impact sales)?
o Your recommendation should be a couple of paragraphs in lengthPart 6: Create and Format a Report:
1. Using the Report Wizard, create a Report based off of the Game and Review tables.
2. Add custom formatting to change its appearance from the Access default
How do you do this in access with the video game Zelda breath of the wild.

1 answer

To create a database in Microsoft Access to analyze video game sales, specifically focusing on "Zelda: Breath of the Wild," follow these steps laid out in your project outline. I'll outline specifics you can use for Zelda and suggest complete steps for each part.

Part 1: Setup the Initial Database

  1. Open Access and Create a Blank Database

    • Start Microsoft Access.
    • Choose "Blank Database" and name your database (e.g., VideoGameSales.accdb).
  2. Add Four Tables

    • You can create the tables from the "Create" tab by selecting "Table Design."
  3. Table 1: Name of Game Company

    • Name: GameCompany
    • Fields:
      • gameID: AutoNumber (Primary Key)
      • GameName: Short Text (Description: "Name of the game")
      • Genre: Short Text (Description: "Game genre (e.g., Action, Adventure)")
      • Developer: Short Text (Description: "Game developer")
      • Sales: Number (Description: "Total sales in millions")
      • AvgRating: Short Text (Description: "Average game rating")
    • Set gameID as the Primary Key.
  4. Table 2: Reviews

    • Name: Reviews
    • Fields:
      • reviewID: AutoNumber (Primary Key)
      • gameID: Short Text (this will be used to link with the Game Table)
      • ReviewName: Short Text (Description: "Name of the reviewer")
      • Comments: Long Text (Description: "Review comments")
    • Set reviewID as the Primary Key.
  5. Table 3: Sources

    • Name: Sources
    • Fields:
      • ID: AutoNumber (Primary Key)
      • WebsiteName: Short Text (Description: "Name of the source website")
      • WebsiteURL: Hyperlink (Description: "URL of the source")
    • Set ID as the Primary Key.
  6. Table 4: Recommendation

    • Name: Recommendation
    • Field:
      • Recommendation: Long Text (Description: "Details of the recommendation")

Part 2: Research and Add Data to the Game, Recommendation, and Source Tables

  1. Research and Populate Game Table: Focus on "Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and related games by Nintendo. An example of data could be:

| GameName | Genre | Developer | Sales (Millions) | AvgRating | |--------------------------------|--------------|--------------------|------------------|-----------| | Breath of the Wild | Action-Adventure | Nintendo | 25 | 10 | | Ocarina of Time | Action-Adventure | Nintendo | 7 | 9.9 | | Twilight Princess | Action-Adventure | Nintendo | 8 | 9.7 | | Skyward Sword | Action-Adventure | Nintendo | 4 | 10 | | Wind Waker | Action-Adventure | Nintendo | 6 | 9.5 |

  • Assign an appropriate gameID for each entry.
  1. Add Sources: For example, you might add: | WebsiteName | WebsiteURL | |-------------------------|-------------------------------| | IGN | | | Metacritic | | | Polygon | |

  2. Populate Reviews Table: You could include reviewer names and comments. | gameID | ReviewName | Comments | |--------|--------------------|----------------------------------------------| | 1 | John Doe | "An amazing game that redefined the genre." | | 1 | Jane Smith | "A visual masterpiece with an engaging story."| | 1 | GameSpot Reviewer | "Fantastic open-world experience." |

Part 3: Relate the Game and Review Tables

  1. Create Relationship:
    • Go to "Database Tools" -> "Relationships."
    • Drag gameID from the GameCompany table to gameID in the Reviews table to create a one-to-many relationship.

Part 4: Create 3 Queries

  1. Cross Table Query: Combine data from GameCompany and Reviews. For example:

    • Create a select query that pulls GameName, AvgRating, and Comments.
  2. Most Sales Query: Create a query to see sales:

    • In the design tab, select fields and set sort order for Sales in "Descending."
  3. Restricted Query: Create a query with specific restrictions, such as showing only games with sales over a certain amount.

Part 5: Create a Form and Type Your Recommendation

  1. Create Recommendation Form: Select the Recommendation table and then create a form.
  2. Open the Form: Type your data-supported recommendation. Example:
    • “Based on the high sales and exceptional reviews for 'Zelda: Breath of the Wild,' I recommend exploring sequels within the action-adventure genre. Given the success of open-world environments, another title featuring exploration and puzzle-solving elements like its predecessor could capture the audience well."

Part 6: Create and Format a Report

  1. Using the Report Wizard: Choose fields from the GameCompany and Reviews tables to create a report.
  2. Custom Formatting: Adjust styles and layouts (colors, fonts) to make it engaging.

Save Your Work

After completing all parts of the project, save your Access database file to ensure all your data and structures are preserved.

This guideline should provide you with a comprehensive approach to structure your Access database, use relevant video game data, and analyze it to make a recommendation.