I am not quite sure I understand the question. It says access the following information in regards to...
If you are looking for some direction on educational support job guidelines, legislation policies, working with diversity, etc. this is a project you may need to do some specific research on.
I suggest if you are at a university or college or near one, ask direction from the librarian or even phone your local library. You can also start by Googling Educational Support/legislation/diversity and see what sites come up. With this topic there are likely to be several scholarly articles that pop up at the top of the page. Another good place to contact is your state's educational department and ask for their direction. They may send you some good material you won't find anywhere else.
Hope this helps.
Access and identify the following information relevant to the job role of education support worker in relation to working with diversity in the education environment: legislation,policies, any other relevant quidelines
Please help,thanks very much
1 answer