Academic and Career Plan

What are your future goals?

Graduation Requirements
Take a moment to research the high school graduation requirements in your state and enter the course names in the tables below. This will help you as you prepare for your high school career. Knowing what is expected of you over the next four years is essential to your ability to succeed.

State: Alabama
Career wanting to partake in- Author, or Actor

1 answer

Future goals:
- To become a published author and have my own book series
- To pursue a career in acting and be involved in theater and film productions

Graduation Requirements for Alabama:

Subject Area | Required Courses
--- | ---
English | 4 credits
Mathematics | 4 credits (Algebra, Geometry, and two additional advanced math courses)
Science | 4 credits (at least one laboratory course)
Social Studies | 4 credits (World History, US History, Government/Economics, and either Geography or World History II)
Physical Education | 1 credit
Health Education | 0.5 credit
Fine Arts | 1 credit
Foreign Language | 2 credits (for certain colleges/universities)
Career Preparedness | 1 credit (Career Exploration course or approved alternative)
Electives | Sufficient to total 24 credits for graduation