a young Asian child would probably be less engage in backchanneling than a middle class American child does because?
5 answers
From which country does this Asian child come -- Saudi Arabia, Russia, Kazkhstan, Syria, Israel, Pakistan, Iraq, India, China, Nepal, Vietnam, Jordan, Iran, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Japan, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Korea, Turkmenistan, Thailand -- or?
a. he or she incorporates both verbal and nonverbal. b. middle class children are taught and expected not to engage in backchanneling. c. non mainstream groups or less likely to encourage child to adult feedback. d. backchanneling is a passive social device that benefits the listener more than the speaker.
You didn't answer my question.
Asia has hundreds of different cultures.
Your question is one of the most ignorant and biased questions I've ever seen!
Asia has hundreds of different cultures.
Your question is one of the most ignorant and biased questions I've ever seen!
it does not say , it only say A young Asian cild
The question cannot be answered.