Here are the answers to your questions:
A word’s denotation and connotation mean basically the same thing. F
Heath has found a new online encyclopedia by a company he has never heard of before. Heath’s friend, Sam, urges Heath to stick to sites he knows are safe and credible. Why is Sam so concerned? C (Both of these)
Where do teenagers get all the money they need to make purchases? I noticed several new stores had opened up at the local mall. Most of these new stores focused on teenage and young consumers. Yesterday I went shopping. This paragraph is D (None of these) - Note: if "Creative" refers to the style, that could also be a potentially valid answer, depending on context.
Public speaking is a skill you will probably never use outside of school. F
If you use a rubric, you can grade your assignment before you turn it in. T
Conventions are D (All of these)
How do rubrics increase learning? C (Both of these)
A thesaurus can D (All of these)
The lineage of a word is called its _____. B (etymology)
Credible sources should explicitly identify the purpose or intent of the information included in a source. T
To “know your audience,” you should identify what they D (All of these)
The guidewords for the word "feign" are A (Fairy and farce) - Note: The answer depends on the specific dictionary referenced; however, "A" seems to be the most fitting with common dictionaries.
In order to find information about sea lions for a research paper, Clover should reference C (An encyclopedia)
Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Too broad
Melinda has always wanted to know about export rates between the U.S. and China. Why is this a good research topic for her? A (Melinda is curious about the topic)
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.